Day 31: At the Cemetery
Being in the cemetery has something very calming about it. It reminds me that for centuries, sisters have lived and prayed here.
Day 31: At the Cemetery
Bernard of Clairvaux
How Vatican II Changed Monastic Life
October 11: Pope John XXIII
Day 30: Holy
Come & See
Day 29: Different
Day 28: For HIM
The Rule of St. Benedict
Day 27: Cross
October 7: Prayer and Fasting
October: A Special Month for Catholics
October 6: St. Bruno
Day 26: Brainwashing
Erntedank - A Time for Gratitude
Launch of Our Second Online Course
Day 25: Willingness to Learn
The Difference between Franciscan and Cistercian Spirituality
Day 24: Recreation
October 4: The Life of St. Francis of Assisi