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What is a Guardian Angel?

In the Catholic tradition, the belief in guardian angels is both ancient and profound. Guardian angels are viewed as heavenly beings assigned by God to guide, protect, and watch over us throughout our earthly journey. From the moment of birth to our last breath, these angels act as our spiritual companions, leading us closer to God.

The Role of Guardian Angels

According to Catholic teaching, every person is assigned a guardian angel by God. Their role is beautifully expressed in Psalm 91:11: "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." They offer us protection, deliver divine inspiration, and help guide us on the path of virtue. St. Basil the Great once said, "Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life."

For Cistercians, whose lives are marked by simplicity and a deep focus on God's presence, the belief in angels adds another layer to their spiritual practices. Guardian angels represent a tangible sign of God’s care and attention for each person. Monastic life, grounded in humility, provides a unique environment to feel the closeness of these heavenly beings, who assist in the ongoing pursuit of holiness.

Cistercian Saints on Guardian Angels

The saints of the Cistercian order, in their mystical spirituality, often spoke about their close relationship with their guardian angels. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the most renowned Cistercian saints, had a special devotion to the angels. He once said:

"We should show our affection for the angels because they will be our co-heirs, just as here they are our guardians and trustees appointed by the Father."

St. Bernard also emphasized how angels, while being superior beings, serve us out of love and obedience to God.

The presence of angels, especially guardian angels, was seen as a deep spiritual reality for Cistercians, one that provided comfort, guidance, and a continual reminder of God's loving care.

Common Misconceptions

Many people tend to view guardian angels as a sort of personal servant or think of them in overly sentimental ways, forgetting that these beings are majestic, holy, and serve God before all else. Their role is not just to grant us protection in worldly affairs but to assist us in our spiritual growth, guiding us toward deeper faith and holiness.

Another misconception is that angels intervene in every minor inconvenience or trouble we face. While they do protect and guide us, they respect human free will and God's divine plan. We are invited to cooperate with them in the spiritual life, remaining open to their guidance.

Why We Celebrate the Feast of Guardian Angels

The Feast of the Guardian Angels, celebrated on October 2nd, invites us to remember the constant presence and care of these heavenly helpers. Instituted in 1608 by Pope Paul V, the feast emphasizes gratitude for their protection and guidance. It’s a day to reflect on our relationship with our guardian angel and to thank God for this special gift.

A Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

Here is a traditional prayer to the guardian angel that can be recited daily for their guidance and protection:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,

To whom God’s love commits me here,

Ever this day be at my side,

To light and guard,

to rule and guide.


As we go through our lives, we are never alone. Whether in the silence of a Cistercian monastery or the busyness of everyday life, our guardian angels walk with us, pointing us ever toward the love and mercy of God.

In honoring and celebrating the guardian angels today, may we renew our devotion to these spiritual companions, trusting in their care and striving to live in the holiness to which they call us.

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