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Day 6: My Lord and My God

We had Latin class again today. While translating example sentences orally, I consistently translated the words Dominus (Lord) and Deus (God) with the opposite meanings, which made everyone laugh. But in a way, it just showed that, for me, they really are the same, that for me, there is only one Lord, my God. No other lords ruling over me and no other gods that I worship have any place in my life. I belong only to the Triune God, the Creator of all things, who became man to redeem us all.

On my walk in the garden today, I came across this yellow rose, which brought back memories of my retreat. Every day during the retreat, I passed by this very bush and delighted in a rose blossom, watching as it gradually unfolded. Today, that particular rose had been cut, but in its place, a new one had bloomed. Everything has its time.

The retreat was an incredibly intense time, filled with God's presence and conversations with Him. Compared to that, this past week has felt very empty and dry. I feel like the retreat, followed by the day of my clothing ceremony, was so full of grace that I’m currently unable to take in any more. I need to draw from that abundance for a while before I can be filled again. I know that He can bless us infinitely, but I also realize that I can only receive blessings in a very limited way. As a finite, small creature, I stand before my Creator. And I ask Him to open and unfold me, so that, like the flower, I can take in more and more sunlight, letting His grace flow into my heart more fully.

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